As I was preparing the girls their lunch today I had the bag out on the counter, munching away, enjoying the cheesy crunchy goodness with every bite. Emma came into the kitchen and saw me chowing down, and I just knew she'd want some too. "Would you girls like some with your lunch today?", I asked. (They hardly ever get things like cheetos either... we're pretty healthy lunch-eaters for the most part.) To my surprise, she hesitated. I was sure she would be excited and jump at the rare chance to eat some.
Then she said, "Weellll, just a few, Mommy. Because, you know, Cheetos are really not that healthy for you."
Great, just great. My four-year-old daughter has now made me feel guilty not only for offering such awful food to my children, but mostly for the fact that I had just eaten a couple good-sized handfuls myself.
Is it wrong that I was sorely tempted to tell her to "sit down, be quiet, and eat your junk food already, missy!" ???
Ah, Annabelle gets it. A girl after my own heart...
...at least until wise Emma teaches her all about the evils of cheetos and the perils behind their finger-lickin' tastiness.
(just a little disclaimer-- this post is all in good fun. I am by no means trying to make fun of my dear little daughter, and I am actually quite proud and glad that she is learning about healthy choices and good eating habits. But it was too funny to pass up writing a good blog about it! Also, please excuse the unruly hair on my girls as well as the incredibly messy living room behind them. We're still recovering after the weekend. :))
Haha! I had some pretty dang strong cravings for Doritos back in May. And Sour Patch Kids.
I'm sure Emma would not approve of those "meal" choices either.
Hahaha... oh it's lovely when our kids show us up isn't it? That's so funny, but very cute. Emma is becoming quite the little health nut, huh? ;)
Cheetos rock. And that's all I have to say about that. lol. Eat away, dear pregnant friend.
LOL, I survived cheetos, they will too :) Happy to see a post from you. Oh, and my living room always looks like that at lunch time. It's our main playing area, so I've just given up until naptime.
Ok you are SERIOUSLY speaking my mind today! I love that you bought the cheetos (I almost typed cheerios lol)! I have been doing the same thing!! Buying those very things that are sort of the "un-buyables" in my mind. Sugary cereals are it for me right now!
hahah -- I love that Emma told you cheetos weren't healthy! That's hilarious! Oh man, I LOVE cheetos! it's true. even tho they have a bad reputation from britney spears. haha. Yummm cheetos! I like the regular ones ... the puffy ones ... the hot ones...
Finn can be a bit of a health-food nazi at times too. He stares at me with the biggest eyes while I down a bag of Chips Ahoy(well, not the whole bag!)
when I was pregnant, my cheesy cravings came in the form of 7-11 zesty nachos. I get goose bumps just thinking about them!
I had never really liked Cheetos until very recently. Now I have a bag in my cupboard and I have been eating them like crazy! I only like the crunchy kind, not the puffs. Emma is hilarious! I don't think my kids would ever turn down junk food! They have to eat all of their healthy food before they can have the junk though. :)
Too funny! Emma has always been wise beyond her years ;)
I personally am not a huge cheetos fan but if they are all thats available and I need something cheesy and crunchy they will certainly do. Pringles on the other hand. . .
haha, that's too funny. but i love my cheetos as well! and we hardly ever have them because dad thinks they're basically junk, emma takes after him i guess. but man, when we do get them i chow those babies down. lol no self control when it comes to cheetos.
gosh I love your kids. seriously. how are they so cute??!! It's the Cheetos you eat during pregnancy apparently.
Mmmmm....Cheetos :)! Jolly Ranchers are what got me through my first few months. My oldest still refers to them as "candy that ladies with babies in their stomachs eat" :).
Too funny about Emma :)... Aren't kids the greatest :)?!? Mine always have such a way with words- LOL.
Enjoy those Cheetos :)! No guilt! You are growing a baby...that's way hard work, and I am positive those Cheetos are needed and deserved :).
mmm...I love me some cheetos. I purposely buy the hot cheetos so I can have them all to myself!
What a sweet little miss you have!
Hey, lady! I just now realized that I accidentally left you off my google reader. I'm attempting to keep track of blogs through that, and I kept thinking, "Now, why hasn't Talia updated in ten years?" Yeah. It was my bad. I hadn't added you. :)
Anyway, I've just been catching up, and it's great to see you are doing well! And I love this post...you are too sweet, leaving the little disclaimer at the end. Heehee. Love it!
lol lol i totally had a craving for cheetos and while grocery shopping last weekend, i started eating some while we were still shopping in the store. my boyfriend really had a problem with it cause we hadn't PAID for them yet but i just couldn't stop, they are so addicting. sadly i've finished the entire bag since then ;)
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