That's because it's Tuesday. Oh, glorious Tuesday. The one day in the week when I have no piano students or things going on, the one day in the week when we get to stay home and actually have a bit of a breather and take things at a slower pace. We take full advantage of Tuesday. We simply soak it up. My girls and I stay in our jammies, squeeze in a few extra snuggles on the couch or in bed, maybe even watch a bit of TV before we get started on the day's schoolwork and other catch-up chores. It's not that Tuesday is a lazy day and we don't do anything (we actually accomplish a lot since we're at home)... it's just that Tuesday lets us do it all IN OUR PAJAMAS.
My friends, never ever underestimate staying in your pajamas from time to time. It's a wonderful thing.
However, this post is not about pajamas. Pajamas, while amazing and beneficial, are not fashion. (they aren't, are they? If they are, please tell me. That would make me very happy indeed.)
So, let's talk about what I wore to the pumpkin patch after church on Sunday instead, shall we? :)

sweater: hand-me-down from sister-in-law (she found this sweater on one of our thrifting trips for $1. I was jealous. And then, six months later, she gave it to me since she didn't wear it that much. Bless her. hehe.)
lacy tank: Charlotte Russe, $7
scarf: World Market, $14
jeans: GAP, $30
canvas shoes: Payless, $6
While I am definitely a bargain hunter and a cheap-o, and it pains me to buy anything that is NOT on clearance, I've discovered that the one thing I don't mind spending a bit more money on is my jeans. It's so worth it. I'm quite short, and, ahem, curvy, so finding jeans that fit me right is a's a rare thing for me to find the right pair at thrift stores or off the clearance racks (believe me, I've tried). I love walking into a store that I know sells my exact size, knowing that they'll fit me just right. GAP jeans have become my new favorite. Thankfully, I've almost never had to pay full price for a pair either, since I keep an eye out for coupons and special sales. I buy a few good pairs of jeans that I love, and I'm good to go.
This scarf was another thing I couldn't pass up, even though it was more than I would usually spend. I kept seeing it whenever I'd go in to World Market, and I loved it more each time. The colors, the flowers, the material, the slight hint of shimmery gold that runs through it... it's one of my happy things that I just love to wear.

Sometimes, if you know it's something you'll love and wear again and again, it's worth it to spend a few extra dollars. The obssessive bargain-hunter within me has had to learn this, slowly but surely. :)
if you're super observant, you'll notice I am wearing a different sweater in this last picture. That's because what started out as a cool and chilly day turned into sunshine and more heat than I expected. And I didn't want to sweat all over the pumpkins.
happy Tuesday, lovelies!!
day 2 link list... take a peek.
I saw you in this outfit on Sunday! I love it! And btw.... I completely agree with you on the jeans. Ever since I started spending a little more money on the jeans I buy, I have had much more sucess in actually finding jeans that fit well and that I love!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! You are just too cute my dearest Talia! LOVE YA (Oh How I LOVE that cute scarf)
What a lovely sweater and scarf!! I'm in love with both pieces!! :)
You are adorable. and teeny tiny! All those gym dates are paying off big time! Love both outfits you've posted. I need help with accessories.
GAP for the win...=]
completely adorable.
I didn't know World Market sold scarves? How cute!
Enjoy your day in pajamas :)
I love the sweater and the scarf together. What a great combo!
You are so adorable. Seriously. I love that scarf!
cute scarf, and great jeans!
What a gorgeous scarf!
Love the shoes! You look so cute!
♥/Bevin @All is Bright
I'm glad you splurged on that scarf! It's definitely a unique, versatile piece. And how nice of your sister-in-law to hand you down that lovely sweater! I would never guess you couldn't find jeans that fit right. And I love your bangs. They make you look so darling.
The colors in this outfit are so precious! That scarf is gorgeous!! I have never been to World Market but there is one not too far from me, perhaps I'll take a day trip there if they have things as cute as that scarf!
Um, why did I not get any of the stylish genes that you and Lydia are just bursting with?? Seriously, how unfair. You're lovely. and Yay for pj days!
so cute and casual. love the scarf!
I DID notice that you are wearing a different sweater in the last pic! ;-) I'm too observant for my own good sometimes.
IMO - PJ's are DEFINITELY fashion!!
I have been searching, searching, SEARCHING for new jeans with hardly any luck!! And I'm very much like you in that if it's not on sale, and much preferably clearance, I'm not going to give it a second look! But I do love those GAP jeans. I love that they aren't faded or holey...I'd like to put my own holes and fades in my jeans...not buy them that way! So I may be heading to GAP ASAP!! :)
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