This homeschooling-with-a-toddler-business is tricksy. Keeping Rosalie occupied long enough for us to get certain things done, without making her feel neglected and pushed aside is probably one of the most challenging parts of my day.
I'm trying, though. And today, as I rummaged through our hall closet, searching for something that might serve to entertain her, I came across a whole bag of fluffy little pom-poms. The resulting play time was so cute and colorful that I'm going to show you far too many pictures.
Also, it might be noted that while this idea did work wonders in that it did indeed keep her busy, it still didn't really help me accomplish much of anything, as I was too busy taking pictures of my child.
Oops. :)

I got out her wooden block cube for her to fill with the pom-poms. Usually this thing drives her crazy, because she doesn't get the right block for the right hole and can't get them in, but the soft little balls were easy-peasy and she loved it!

Love those chubby little feet.

And LOVE those chubby little hands.

No no, baby, don't EAT them!

I know this isn't a great shot, but those crossed ankles and that round tummy of hers just does me in.

Which one to choose next?? So many colors!

And this, my friends, is WHY I need to try so hard to keep this child occupied. Otherwise, she feels the need to be in the middle of everything we do. LITERALLY:

"Umm, hi, I know you think you're going to get this map out and teach some geography and learn about the world and stuff, but I'm not really down with that. PAY ATTENTION TO ME. Let's see you try to find Syria NOW! Give you a hint... It's under my booty! bwahaha!"
But just look at her sweet little face. How can I be upset with her for hiding all of the Middle East and much of Africa?

Oh well, if you can't beat her....

... join her!!

I'm pretty sure I have the silliest, darlingest, best girls in the world.
(IN THE WORLD. get it?? because they're sitting on a world map?? hahaha, ha! ha! ha! hooooboy. It's just too much, I tell you, these jokes of mine get better and better all the time. thank you, thank you very much.)
I'm done now. you're welcome.
I am laughing so hard, the tears are running down my cheeks. Loved this post. Brought back some memories of homeschooling with little ones. Best of times! They are learning more than you know - how to adapt to an interrupting situation, how to get along with one another, how to have joy in whatever circumstance:)
Love you all!! Miss you all!!
Ok I let out a real LOL with that last paragraph. Good one, Talia. Good one. ;)
hehe!! they are all too cute!!
i want to eat rosalie's toes :)
The crossed ankles have officially done me in!
I love your blog even though I don't comment-this is so sweet and since I'm far from those days the memories come back-your mother is right about them getting along-my kids are all close and yours will be too!!What joy that brings to a mother!
you are adorable, no WONDER your girls are too :D
I love it! So cute. Sorting is a great activity for little ones! :)
In the world... I get it :)
I loved the pic of her and her feet and tummy too! Stinkin' cute!
They are too adorable! I am in awe that you homeschool and have a toddler to care for. Amazing!
LOL! I am dying at your world joke :) You are tooo funnay! I love the pictures of her sitting on the map, she is just like a cat - hah!
LOL I am still laughing! This was tooooo cute! Love the jokes my dear :)) LOVE YOU
Dying laughing over Rosalie's booty over Syria! Ha! She is too much.
And her little footsies crossed? Adorable.
I am quite fond over a nice pun, so your last joke was not lost on me! teehee.
The fact that anyone with three kiddos can accomplish anything never ceases to amaze me. And your kids always seem so sweet and calm to boot. It's seriously impressive :)
Ok but no really, you ARE hilarious! Oh how I love a good pun lol!! Your girls are just the cutest, I adore their personalities and how they jump out at me through the screen. I wish I could come to Bakersfield and snuggle and play with little Rosalie so as to keep her occupied for you! Hmm, yet another thing to add to my list of reasons to move to Bakersfield?? ;D
I could have sworn that I commented on this! How could I NOT?! Rosalie's chubby little feet and belly and cheeks! Oh my goodness, I want to chew on her. Too much baby goodness! And your humor and wit is um...hilarious. :p I love you
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