This little notecard I wrote to myself hangs on our refrigerator right now. So much amazing instruction, all in one passage. Instruction and wisdom that I know it will do me good to see, everyday. These verses convict, humble, and inspire me-- the Lord has really been using them to speak to my heart lately.
And now, I must go rescue my one-year-old from eating an old bread crust that she managed to find somewhere. How does she do that??
hi, I solemnly promise that my next post will have pictures of actual people or places, instead of just my handwriting (which I'm sure must thrill you all to no end. right???). Life: It's busy. The blog: It's suffering.
LOVE this verse!!!
I'm starting to feel like blogging is the next MySpace. Unless you get paid to do it or you are fulfilling some niche, it seems like no one cares to read or comment. That's just my observation of late.
Well it's a darn good thing you have beautiful handwriting!! :)
Yes inspiring passage!
And on another note, I swear I found Ada Lee eating poop today. It was not hers. I know not from where it came. And I totally freaked out. So old bread crust is actually sounding quite tasty.
I love this verse and I LOVE that magnet!!
Thank you for this. Very good.
I have this same verse posted too! It is a convicting yet encouraging one =)
Actually, it is cool to see your handwriting, so... no worries! :o)
refreshing verse. you are a true inspiration! cute fridge magnet.
I have always loved your handwriting. So pretty! A very good passage to read over and over, my dear!
Kids will eat the darnedest things. Blech.
I love that verse. thank you!
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