Monday, July 6, 2009

she's on to me.

We recently bought a kiddie pool for the backyard, so that the girls would be able to do SOMETHING outside in this heat. It's a good thing, a NECESSARY thing, to be able to send them out for some fun (and to get them out of the house) without them roasting to death in our oven of a backyard. I simply can't stand having my kids running around the house all. day. long. It's too much craziness for me-- they're kids, and they need to expend some energy, but I'd prefer they not do it inside! However, I have a love/hate relationship with kiddie pools... yes, they're great for keeping the kids entertained, but they are also a huge PAIN. The water gets so dirty so quickly, the sides start to form algae... you get the picture. And then Mommy has to empty all the water out (usually using a bucket since it's too heavy to dump), hose the whole thing off, and refill it again. Not my favorite thing to have to spend time doing.

Anyway, this morning the pool had reached that point and I hadn't yet gotten around to cleaning it out. Emma and Annabelle were, of course, wanting to go swimming today, and they were asking me every five minutes when their pool would be ready for them again. I finally told them I would get to it when I get to it and would you PLEASE stop bugging me about it, thankyouverymuch.

And Emma, who is always ready with a response, came back with this:

"But Mommy, you SAID that we could go swimming EVERY SINGLE DAY, so we don't make you go insane."

oops... did I say that out loud?

this girl, she knows me well. :)


Lisa said...

Hahahaha! I am so cracking up over here. :)

Mommy Diffee said...

I LOVE this little story! Kids are so very smart and we just do not give them enough credit sometimes! Miss Emma is just precious.

PS It was a great suprise seeing you on Sat night! And your announcements were breath taking. Will you help me with mine?!

Jerusha Abigail said...

HAHA! Oh that Emma! So very perceptive. I loved this. :)

Cheri said...

So FUNNY! Don't you just love how they remember everything you say? too! :)

bandofbrothers said...

that is just hilarious! i loved this post! you sound just like me:)

soooo fun seeing you and the hubby on the 4th. he's such a doll...but you knew that:)

molly june. said...

darn kids! they get us every time!! :D that's too funny!

Lydia said...

hahahaha(it took me four time to type that right, it's been one of those days. lol) Emma would wouldn't she? that's hilarious!

Anonymous said...

That's just hilarious!

jennym said...

Do you put (chlorine) bleach in the water? When our kiddie pool starts to get a little green, I throw a small amount of bleach in. It gives me a few more days before the whole water change thing and it's still less chlorine than they would get in a hotel or public pool.

Andrea said...

Ahhh! Motherly Insanity! What a gift, because without it you possibly would not appreciate the heavenly sweetness of these tired sundrenched beauties as they sleep so soundly after a full day of playing in the pool! Emma's mind is always working. Gotta love her. Give them all kisses and hugs.

sarah marie p said...

Heee. I love this post! So funny! Silly Emma!

I bet the girls LOVE that pool! But yeah, cleaning it sounds like a pain indeed.

I demand more little day to day stories like this! :)