It's taken me quite a long time to get around to writing about this again-- but do you remember when I first wrote about my dear friend Kourtni and her pregnancy? She is now 17 weeks along, and I am thrilled to say that things are going wonderfully. Every time I see her, her baby bump has grown a little more, and it is so cute that it takes everything in me not to rub my hands all over it (you're welcome for my restraint, Kourtni :)) They recently were able to find out that they are having another girl and we are all looking forward so much to the day when we can welcome little Genevieve into our lives. God be praised for His protection and providence in this pregnancy-- we could not be more grateful and happy for our good friends.
I also wrote some time ago about our sister Jessica and a court hearing for the two kids that they are trying to adopt. That first hearing in March did not go as we all hoped, but they had another one a little over a month ago-- and thank the Lord, things moved forward in a very positive step with the parental rights being taken away. This means that there are no longer any biological visits required, which is a HUGE blessing, since those were very difficult and emotionally upsetting for not only the kids but also mommy Jessica. It also means that the next step is.... ADOPTION. All of us in their family are so excited for that to happen that there are hardly no words. My sweet little niece Faith and nephew Jason ARE our family, and none of us could imagine our lives without them. The day when Luke and Jessica, those amazing parents, make them theirs officially and forever will be one for mega-rejoicing. The only thing to do now is to pray that the process can move forward quickly and without delay.
In other "nephew" news-- I have a new one! My older brother Tyra and his wife Christine welcomed their first baby about two weeks ago. Since, up till now, my girls have been the only babies born in our family, it is quite exciting to welcome this little one. He's the first BOY too! Tyra was always the guy at church holding everyone else's babies; if there was a baby around, you could pretty much be sure that Tyra would find a way to get ahold if it. So it thrills me that now he has one of his own, and hopefully his love for babies has not diminished now that this particular one is no doubt waking him up at 2 in the morning and peeing on him. (I kid, I kid-- I know he's quite the happy daddy, even now that he is faced with the realities of a new baby). Without further ado, I give you Brayden Garrett, our newest family addition:
Just one last tidbit of baby-ness: have I mentioned how hotly my own baby fever is raging these days??
Congrats Autie! He's so precious!!! And I'm so thrilled for Jessica and Luke as well! It sounds like they are such a HUGE blessing to those poor children who have no doubt been through so much in their short little lives! I look forward to hearing more updates on their adoption!
I'm so glad to hear that your friend's pregnancy is going well -- God is good!
Sooo, baby fever?? Anything you'd like to tell us? :)
Morgan-- hehe. No, nothing to announce to anyone, not yet anyways! I just wish there was.... :)
Such exciting baby news for everyone in your life! I really hope that the adoption process goes through ASAP for your sister Jessica! I'm glad there's some good news for them as far as the required visits... and this baby fever you speak of -- are you maybe going to have another baby? Ooh! I wanna know!
Yay for updates. I was wondering when you were going to tell us about Kourtni and Jessica. I almost e-mailed you, but didn't want to seem gossipy or nosey. So I'm pretty thrilled that you told everyone on your blog.
I can't wait till you have some news to share in the baby fever department! I'm going to be all over making something cute for that new little one. :)
Aww look at baby Brayden! So precious! There is much procreating going on around you isn't there?? It's all just so exciting!
Precious updates! It will be very exciting when another little one enters the R&R scene!
Baby cheeks!!!! MONCH. MONCH. MONCH. He's so precious.
Yay for new life! SO excited for your expanding extended family!
what a cutie your new nephew is! and i agree with lisa--i can't wait to make something for your next baby, who is just a twinkle away, i'm hoping:)
and such wonderful news on Kourtni and Jessica!
Congrats Auntie! Boys are so much fun, but I do have a special spot in my heart for little girls, myself. As for your baby fever, get procreating! We cannot have to many blogging mommies - and I'd love to see the progression of your baby bump!
Your nephew is adorable! And I must confess, I often times wonder when you'll be making your own big announcement since I know you want another baby. I love that you have baby fever!
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