She's done such an excellent job with potty training. It really only took a few days, for which I am so grateful. Potty training is probably one of my all-time least favorite things about parenting, but it makes all the difference in the world if they are really ready-- and Annabelle was. It's been over a week now since we've had an accident!! Woohoo! I think that is due partly to the fact that she really does get it, and partly to the fact that this girl can HOLD it. Seriously. Sometimes I don't understand how one tiny little 22-pound two-year old with a bladder the size of a plum (or something like that) can retain so many bodily fluids. It's amazing.
Rejoice with me, people: this is the first time in over FOUR AND A HALF YEARS that I have not had diapers to change!! Or buy, for that matter of fact. Based on those facts alone, this post should really be accompanied by a rousing rendition of Handel's Hallelujah Chorus.
OK, but if you have baby fever and one of the goals for this year is to allieviate baby fever won't you be back to square one in the diaper department?
Oh, and she is pretty cute! Yay for no accidents!
Yay Annabelle!! she is super adorable. i love her little pink panties. she really does have the cutest little naked body. :) hehe
Okay, she is the most adorable little thing on the planet. I love her blonde curls!
That's great that it didn't take her long (at all!) to get the hang of the big girl potty. Yay for no diapers!
Yay for big girl panties!
Yes, you are right about that, Lisa, good point. Honestly, I would be 100% willing and ready to get back into diapers asap for the sake of a baby... however, that doesn't mean I won't enjoy this break in the meanwhile! :)
Yay! to Annabelle for doing soooo well with the pottie training, Yay! to no more expensive diapers, Yay! to another baby to buy expensive diapers for, Yay! to those beautiful blonde curls and infectious smile!! Yay! God for all you do in our lives.
Whoo hoo :)!!! What an exciting time at your house!!! Yay for Annabelle! My 3 year old loves to prance around in her Dora panties. In her words, "I LOVE "neck-kid" Mama!!!" We are hoping it's just a phase- LOL!!!
Hooray for no diapers!
congrats to mommy and annabellesie-boo:) she is absolutely darling.
today for the first time, we let calvin nap in his "chonies" and he did great. i feel your joy! cute is that kid?!
I must say, newborn diapers are way better than big kid diapers (peeeww)...well except for the explosive kind. The break will be nice I'm sure :)
How were you SURE that she was ready? Just wondering when I should start this process.
Aww!!! Yay for Annabelle! That's so exciting! Good work! She is the cutest thing ever! You should both be very proud!
lol I love my annabelle! what a big girl! and she's aboslutely adorable...actually I'm jealous that I never had panties with ponies on them..haha
Give her a kiss from me!
Woo hoo! She's adorable! Caris has those same poan-ee pann-eees.
every time i see your girls i can't help but smile, they are just TOO cute!!
oh man, i dont want to hear about your potty training success, you're makin me feel like a slacker with my 2 yr old LOL!! :D
way to go annabelle!! that's seriously, awesome.
me and malachi are proud!
She is so cute! I'm glad you get a *little* break from diapers. Nine months (give or take a bit) of diaper freedom! Whoohoo!
She's a SUPERSTAR! Congrats, little lady!
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