Friday, March 22, 2013

like the rain to the earth.

It's Friday.
The end of the week.
A long week.
Too little sleep, too many chores and commitments, too much mess, too much grumpiness, too little time to slow down and relax and breathe in deep, too many bad attitudes and missteps.
To be completely honest, I'm exhausted and tired, frustrated and snappish, feeling behind on EVERYTHING, overwhelmed. My house is a mess, the laundry is piled up, and the dog desperately needs a bath.
But, guess what?
It's springtime!
And it's very hard to stay grumpy or peevish for very long in the spring.
These pictures were from a few weeks ago, but my (sadly neglected) garden has offered up such lovely gifts of color and bloom lately, fragrant and soft and bright. They grace my table and my view from the window, using their charms to make my spirit bright and soft too.
As I type, my girls are out in the backyard digging in the dirt with trowel and hoe, scattering wildflower seeds and making, I'm sure, more of a mess with the hose than is really necessary. But they are happy, so I am happy, and as they plant and play, today's delicious breezes are blowing away any dismal dust left from the week, making us shiny and cheerful again.
 I always love this time of year in our city, these sparkling weeks between foggy cold and downright HOT. It's a time of year when everything is green and pretty, and the sun is welcoming and warm, the world just a little bit softer around the edges, framed in blossoms and blue skies. A time of gray clouds and rain-scented air followed by drops and puddles, everything fresh and clean and new for when the sun comes out again. I love the rain, and how overcast days of wet and cloud are mingled so closely with days of pure blissful sunshine.
We need the rain, just like we need the sunshine.
I came across this verse in Hosea a little while back, and it's so beautiful to me when I'm tired and beaten down, when I need to be reminded of what is important and how my God will always come through.
"Let us know,
Let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord.
His going forth is established as the morning.
He will come to us like the rain,
Like the rain to the earth."
Hosea 6:3
Just as the morning always comes, just as the rain always falls as a blessing and a benediction to the earth which needs it...
so will the Lord come to us.
and I, I will come to Him, again and again, and breathe in deep of His mercies and forgiveness and grace, and feel His spirit in my soul, sweeter even than the springtime.


bandofbrothers said...

those pictures of the flower are SO CUTE. love the flowers. love it all. love YOUUUUU!

Tristan said...

such pretty flowers!!

here's to hoping you have a restful weekend!!

also..we are expected to get 6 inches of snow this weekend..not looking like spring here just yet!

lindsey leif said...

Oh I needed to hear this!!! Talia, you have a beautiful heart. You are truly in the motherhood trenches of the little years!! I can't imagine the days of exhaustion that come from mothering four little ones!! But in the midst you find beauty! Thank you for pointing me to Him!!! An awesome verse!!! And beautiful flowers!!!! Love u!!!!