This is one of my most favorite Rosalie pictures ever. Taken by her loving daddy.
That's what her Auntie Jessica calls her from time to time (and I love it). Our little love is THREE months old now! If time flew any faster it would get pulled over for a major speeding ticket and possibly arrested, that's all there is to it.
Life with a three-month old is great-- we're definitely past that newborn stage and have found a routine that works. And while Rosalie has her moments, as all babies do, I can't complain because she really is a happy little baby. I'm simply in love with her. We all are!
Rosalie is quite the little chunk, with rolls and dimples all over in just the right adorable places. She weighs 13 pounds now, which is more than double her birth weight. However, she's not a long baby, so people are always surprised at how heavy she feels when they pick her up. She's solid. :)
We've dicovered so much about her personality and her likes and dislikes. One thing I quickly learned about her is that she is NOT a "floor baby". She hates to lay on a blanket on the floor for any length of time and gets quite frustrated if you leave her there. No, she'd MUCH rather be up and standing! Thus, we introduced her to the walker! Of course, she doesn't GO anywhere in it yet, and her teensy feet barely touch the ground, but she simply loves it. It keeps her happy and entertained.

we've also discovered that this is her favorite toy. She doesn't actually play with it yet, but she'll coo and talk to it in the cutest way.

Our little girl is quite the people person. As long as someone is in the room with her, able to be seen and heard, she's fine. And if you talk to her, really give her your full attention, she'll reward you with the most adorable coos, goos, and baby squeals and smiles.

We've also found out that she loves blankies-- especially one in particular, a little fuzzy bear blanket.

Annabelle was a blankie girl too (STILL is, actually), so it's neat to see this trait in Rosalie. She can be fussing and restless, but she'll calm right down as soon as I put her blankie up to her cheek. She grabs a handful of it in her fist and holds on tight until she's fast asleep.

I am quite happy and thankful to report that she is sleeping through the night, going to bed at about 10:30 or 11 and making not a peep until around 7 in the morning. Hallelujah!! :) She's a napper too, wanting to take at least two good three-hour naps in a day. My child loves to sleep... don't hate me.
When it's time for her to go down, I put her in her swing to get her asleep. She adores her swing and falls asleep almost instantly if she's tired.

Are not baby feet the cutest things ever??
Have you all heard of the Bumbo? No? Well, if you have a baby, GO GET ONE. Seriously, they are amazing. It's almost like having an extra pair of hands. I put Rosalie in it and set it up on the kitchen counter while I'm making lunch and dinner so she can watch me; I set it on the bathroom counter while I get ready in the morning; we set it on the kitchen table while we eat. Rosalie loves it, because she can see everything and feels like she's right there with us. We heart our bumbo!!

So that is our three-month old, who is daily a joy and a blessing to us. I'm squeezing every drop of joy out of her babyhood that I can, because I have a feeling that one day I'll turn around and she'll be a year old, toddling around like a big girl. *sniff*
Just look at that face. I can't even pick her up or look at her without smooching all over her yummy cheeks and rubbing her soft fuzzy head.

Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about my other lovely daughters. I plan on giving them their own special posts soon too :)
Your baby is just gorgeous! And how amazing that she takes such long naps, hehe!
I definitely think she looks like her sisters too! You can see it in her sweet little face!
What a precious little peanut! She really is such a mixture of her sisters. It's so interesting to see who babies look like. I'm glad she's a good sleeper; that's sooo important when you have other kiddos in the house. Oh and we loved our bumbo too, but I want to caution you that Aubrey started arching out of our Bumbo around 4 months old. That could be very scary if she were up on the counter or the table. I know you keep a good eye on her, just from my own experience...that's I'd share a word of caution.
aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! Are you trying to kill me with this cuteness!?
she's too precious!
Barbie, thanks for the advice. Yes, we've realized that the instant she starts getting a little more squirmy the elevated surfaces are not an option anymore... so far, she just sits completely still. It's nice. :)
oh.my.goodness. I am dying of your baby's cuteness!! I can hardly take it!! I love her gorgeous brown eyes!! Le sigh I want to hold and kiss her!! hopefully soon! Much love sister
Oh my goodness! She is beautiful!!! (As are all your girls)
Loved this post and all the pictures! :-) And I'm dying over her attachment to her blankie! The picture of her sleeping with it is so adorable.
AWWW!! She's too cute, it's killing me. I just want to kiss her fat little cheeks and those adorable little feet!! I miss my sweet Rosalie!! In that fifth picture, I swear she looks just like you. With those lovely brown eyes! :) And yes, that first picture is TOO adorable and sweet. I love baby smiles.
I want to play and cuddle with my nieces again.
I love you all!
What a perfectly lovely little girl, that is the perfect title for Rosalie :D Even though i don't often comment, I follow your blog regularly and it is always delightful to see how your little ones are doing. As for the part about looking up and finding a one year old baby.. We are there, so enjoy your wonderful moments (as I have)!! For soon there will be new moments to take your breath away @>----
Goodness I want to reach right through the computer and squeeze those cheeks!!!! Loved ALL of the pics and all of the great details about her little life. What a great way to be able to look back in a few years and remember her at this age! :)
She is so darn cute! I loved the bumbo too - one of the best baby things ever! Adorable pics!
i just LOVE to hear mommies gush about their babies!! she is too too sweet! i would munch on those cheeks all the day long too if she were mine! a&e's are slowly melting away, but i still get a good nibble when they'll let me :) what a beautiful life you have.. full of little darling girls with yummy cheeks! so blessed! xo.
So many fab pics, Talia! Looks like someone's getting the hang of your fancy camera! YAY!
PS: Rosalie is a totally gorgeous little girl!
All of these pictures are beyond adorable! Rosalie is such a cutie pie!! It's so sweet she loves her blankie -- I was a blankie girl (and so was Johnny - he still has his at 28! Ohmygosh! ha). It's so interesting to learn all the lil things that make Rosalie Rosalie!
Look at how big she is! Wow! She looks so much like her sisters. I wanted a bumbo so badly with Nathan, they were getting popular then. At the time though it was too expensive for us. :( I'm glad you have one and are getting a lot of use out of it! You have such gorgeous little sweeties in your home. :)
Oh! She's so cute!
Sweet Rosalie. I feel so privileged that I get to hold her each week!
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