Anyway! This is just one of those silly little catch-up posts, with lots of rambling from me and a few cute pictures of my kids thrown in to make it all better.
Last week, we had Vacation Bible School (VBS) every morning in Shafter (a town about twenty minues away from us, for those of you who don't know it-- we have a sister congregation over there). And while it was a challenge for me to get all of us ready and out the door by 8:30 every morning, it was totally worth it. Emma and Annabelle had so much fun with the lessons, crafts, and music, and getting to spend all week with their friends. Rosalie was pretty much a little champ and behaved beautifully while we hung out at the church all morning and I helped out with crafts and snacks whenever I could. On Friday at noon there was a program to close out the week, with the kids singing the songs they'd learned over the past few days. It was SO FUN to see all those kids up there singing so joyfully and enthusiastically-- I couldn't help but smile the whole time as I listened to our young ones praising the Lord. And they all looked ADORABLE. Here's a snippet of video I took. (The way they do the action on "amen" is my favorite part. hehe)
VBS 2009 from Talia Bridgman on Vimeo.
I have a nice bit of info for you local girls: my good friend Ashlei (sister to Kourtni, best friend to my sister) is starting work at the Cutting Edge Salon (over there by Me n' Ed's) at the Marketplace. She does facials and waxing (at 50% off right now, through August, woohoo), and she does it well. Not only does she do an amazing job, but she's a complete doll and I'm pretty sure you'll love her to pieces. I know I do!! (no, she didn't ask me to post this-- I just really want her to do well in her new place. So go be a dear and support her if you can... let me know if you need any more info)There's not really a whole lot exciting going on lately... mostly just normal every day life, especially now that VBS is over and done with. But somehow there is always something to be done, somewhere to go, or busy-ness of some sort. The days are slipping by before I can really grasp hold of them, it seems. I've been a busy little bee with sewing, house projects, gardening, running here and there, piano lessons... I love it, and I can't wait to share some of it with you all! What about you? How's your summer going so far?
As promised, here are some of those cute faces:
My baby is a super-chunk. And Annabelle needs a comb, badly. But how much do you love this picture??

Awwww. Sisterly love is always a great thing.

Is there anything better than an adorable baby in a striped hat??

I think not.

Be back again soon... I promise!! Er... um, maybe. :)
i'm so glad that you are DOING life, not just writing about it. sounds fabulous.
and your girls are as dear as ever. such cuties. and yes i am a sucker for a baby in a striped hat! so cute.
can't wait to see your projects.
My days have been slipping away also ... I need a lazy PJ day some time soon! The girls are cute as can be Talia =) Love the pics! Keep up all your busy bee projects ... that sounds like loads of fun!
You have a BABY - so no apologizing when you spend time with your girls instead of blogging, okay, missy?? :)
Though, the only good part about updating your blog (besides us getting to read it) (besides us getting to read it) is that you can look back and remember these times!
they are such cuties!!!!!
Oh I am so sad I missed VBS! I love seeing the kids during the closing program and how much they have learned all week. I love how they sign the songs, but I'm rather biased on that, LOL! Your girls are as gorgeous as ever.
That video was the cutest thing ever! So great that these kiddos can grow up with God in their hearts! :)
And in all your busy-ness, Miss Rosalie isn't being deprived of meals, is she?! LOL!! She's such a cute super-chunk! And I honestly think it's just the angles of the first pics b/c in the ones of her laying down (in her UBER cute hat!) she doesn't look so chunky! :) But she's precious none-the-less!
Thanks for the little peek at my Penelope! All those little ones singing blessed me this morning.
And, your baby is delicious, can I just say?
awww that video was the cutest! I loved how they were all so enthusiastic about it!
Gosh I miss my girls!! They're all so adorable. Give them lots of love from their Auntie Lydia!
Oh how I wish I was there to go visit Ashlei at the salon. We all know how fabulous she is.
Love you sister!!
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