"You sure have a lot of freckles, my dear", I told her.
"And you sure do have a lot of pimples, Mommy."
Thank you for that, darling daughter. There is nothing like the (sometimes brutal) honesty of a five-year old.
(also, let the record show that my husband laughed uproariously at this, instead of telling me how incredibly and breathtakingly beautiful I am. Traitor.)
Wow Talia! You sure are keeping close quarters with a bunch of traitors! :(
Well, I think you are gorgeous my dear, even on the days when you have said to me that you have "so many" pimples.
LMBO!!!! ohhh man, those 5 year olds ARE little traitors, lemme tell ya! I know all about their brutal honestly LOL!
and for the record, my husband would have done the SAME THING, what is with these men!? ;D
You are gorgeous my dear, you must know that. <3
Ha!! My girls love telling me lately how big I'm getting. They think it's such a compliment while I think, UGH!
she is so cute!
Mean..lol..but cute!
your a beauty:)
Oh maaaan - one of my worst memories . . . in jr. high my beautiful friend Allison had tons of freckles, and I said, "I wonder how many freckles you have!" She was apparently in the throes of jr. high self-hatred and shouted, "I don't know, Emily, I wonder how many ZITS you have!" Ughh ughhh ughh. And yeah - I STILL get pimples - at 34!!
Gosh no kidding! haha I've gotten the "Why do you have so many pimples?" question from my cousin on the other side of the family. It's like hmmmm how to answer... a) The World hates me b) Oh just wait and you'll see when you turn 13 or c) walk away and cry in the corner while slathered on more and more Clearasil (granted I was like 16 at the time and very self-conscious about the pesky little buggers that invaded my poor face).
aww haha how mean, but kind of cute.
You know you're hot.
that is HILARIOUS! You are such a great sport:) Finn likes to point out my *beauty marks* too. fortunately when i got home from the hospital,he told me my tummy looked smaller.
dude! kids say the darndest things! that is too funny!! she'll get her first pimple one day & revenge will be alllllll yours...hahaaa ;)
Oh sweet, innocent children. I love that they don't overthink what they say, but rather you get the raw truth, no matter how painful that truth may be. I too, have lovely adult acne...I'm sure one day Aubrey will say something similar. ;) You're beautiful, Talia, even if you have a few pimples. And I just wanted to say that you are such a sweet encourager. Everytime I read a comment that you left for someone, I get a warm fuzzy feeling because you have such a sweet way with words.
That is so cute, one of my favorite things about kids ... they speak the truth (most of the time). Joseph's little boy told me the other day that my belly is getting too big and asked if I have been eating too much McDonalds!?!? He did not really understand the baby in my tummy story I told him =(
I just had to stop by and tell you....I'M PREGNANT!!!
Please pray for us :)
God is good!
At least she didn't tell you that you have a "great biiig DADDY BUTT" like this other little girl I know once told her mother. ;)
How innocently precious! At least she's so darn cute so you can easily brush off such a silly comment! :)
Dangit, I'm going to stay away from Emma because my face has been MAJORLY broken out lately. It's bad news bears. WAH! I thought pimples were supposed to go away after you're you become an "adult" and no longer a teenager. BOO! What a lie!
Yeah, at least Emma is adorable! :)
And yes, like others have said -- you are totally adorable and gorgeous yourself, lady! xoxo DUH! :)
Oh I can so commiserate with you on this, especially as my chin is broken out more than I think I have EVER seen. Ugh, I'll be menopausal and still breaking out. When I was a teenager, I had many kids ask me about my pimples and what they were called. Once I was asked about my "algae". Horror of horrors! I HATE the word acne, it brings back awful memories.
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