However, I decided that was a lame excuse, since so many other equally busy people manage it somehow. And really, joining in would be the perfect motivator to actually start making exercise a prioirty again and get my un-fit self back in shape finally!!
First things first... a girl's got have a cute chart to keep her motivated and inspired:

As you can see, I've gotten off to a rather rocky start...

... but I really am trying. And it feels good to try, good to work out and know that I'm doing something healthy for myself. Before I got pregnant with Rosalie last summer I had been slacking, and had already put on a few extra pounds. So when I got pregnant and began to pack on the weight (I gained more with this pregnancy than either of my other ones), I knew I would have my work cut out for me once the baby was born. I envisioned the pounds falling off as I nursed a baby, ate healthy, and worked out every day. Well, the nursing part did help a little, AT FIRST. At some point the initial weight loss plateaued, and since I WASN'T working out and eating healthy... well, here I am, 9 weeks post-pregnancy with a closet full of clothes that STILL don't fit me, a major muffin-top that I despise, and a booty and thighs that somehow seem 10 times bigger than they've ever been, judging from my pre-pregnancy pants. Boo.
Since I'm only one week into the 30 days, and some of those days were a failure, of course I haven't seen a difference yet. But I'm optimistic, and I am purposing to not only work out as much as I can, but begin a healthier diet as well. I don't really do "diets", but I do enjoy healthy food, as long as I can have my splurge every once in a while. A girl's got to have her dessert!
I've set my goals on the Wii Fit, and will use that to help me keep track. Ultimately, I'd like to lose 20 pounds, but I've started by setting my goal at 15 pounds in 2 months. That means I need to lose about 3.5 pounds a week... I tried not to cry this morning when I found I had GAINED two! What the heck... oh yes, it's probably that date night Jeremy and I had where we ate at Tahoe Joe's and then had Coldstone as well. It was wonderful, I'm not going to lie. No more of that for a while, though. I've got a booty to get back in shape!! And I'm so glad that I get to do it with so many of you. Don't be afraid to yell at me if you see me trying to buy dark-chocolate-covered JoeJoes or ordering a vanilla bean frappucino from Starbucks.
mmmmmm, JoeJoes...
HEHE! That calendar is adorable!! And the fact that you are trying is no failure at all. Just stick with it...even if it's not daily, even a little makes a girl feel better. I know after just a quick walk I feel so refreshed...even if it will be weeks before my next one! :)
first of all, your chart is ADORABLE. i just love you. and hysterical that it would be wrong to exercise on mother's day. i think you are doing great to have a goal and desire. i cannot even THINK of working out til the boy is on rice cereal...otherwise he'll starve.
and yes, a girl's gotta have her dessert!
cute chart!
Good for you!!
your chart is ADORABLE and your entries on it made me laugh out loud, i love it :D
Go Talia Go!
I admire your motivation! Good for you :) A positive attitude is half the battle!
I love the calendar. I need to get into shape myself. I felt skinnier at days post partum then now 5 months later, lol. I need to make myself a cute calendar.
Okay your calendar is ADORABLE! And you are doing so good! Don't worry, you'll get your routine set up soon. You have a good attitude though, just don't get discouraged!
I LOVE your fitness calender! It's the cutest, just like you! You're so crafty and adorable! Duh! :) And like Jimaie said, I love your entries on the 10th and 11th! You're so funny!
Yay for joining in on Steph's challenge and yay for your awesome attitude!
and Yes, I totally agree, a girl's gotta have her dessert! For sure!
Awww, you're amazing for even attempting this challenge! Don't get too frustrated if you don't lose the weight as quickly as you like. You WILL do it, it just might not happen as fast as you hope. I love your chart!!
How funny is it that your darling calendar is what pushed me over the edge to do this challenge? LOL! And - I wanna see it all updated!! Pretty please??
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