Life. It is crazy, busy, and oh-so-full. Has it really already been well over a week since I last blogged??
And what have we been up to?
Well, there's been lots of loving on this little lady, of course:

We've spent lots of time in our jammies building forts and imagining all sorts of things...

(pardon the indecency! :))

... or dressing up!

Emma and Annabelle have been playing together SO nicely lately. I love listening to them and watching as they grow closer as sisters and pals!

We've had bathtimes. I am happy to report that Rosalie LOVES bathtime! She is pefectly content and happy as long as she is in soaking in her little tub. It's so cute.
And what have we been up to?
Well, there's been lots of loving on this little lady, of course:

We've spent lots of time in our jammies building forts and imagining all sorts of things...

(pardon the indecency! :))

... or dressing up!

Emma and Annabelle have been playing together SO nicely lately. I love listening to them and watching as they grow closer as sisters and pals!

We've had bathtimes. I am happy to report that Rosalie LOVES bathtime! She is pefectly content and happy as long as she is in soaking in her little tub. It's so cute.
(these pictures aren't from her very first bath; Jeremy has those on his camera, and I'm sure they're much better than my attempt)

And there's been lots of sweet, sweet baby moments that simply had to be soaked up and enjoyed...

Talk to the hand, Mom-- I'm sleepin' here!!

And there's been lots of sweet, sweet baby moments that simply had to be soaked up and enjoyed...

Talk to the hand, Mom-- I'm sleepin' here!!
Seriously, I kind of forgot how time-consuming newborns are! And life doesn't stop just because a baby comes along. My days are filled to the brim, without fail! Nursing, laundry, trying to keep the house somewhat clean, nursing, giving my older girls as much of my time as I can, laundry, nursing, running errands, nursing, catching up on sleep when at all possible... and oh, yes, did I mention laundry and nursing??
Things are going really well. Rosalie is sleeping a bit better at night (3-4 hours instead of 1-2), and more importantly she's nursing like a little pro, which makes everything SO much easier. She gets more adorable and lovable every day, which more than makes up for her times of fussiness and frustration. Emma and Annabelle have been little sweethearts lately (for the most part), for which I am so grateful. The Lord definitely knows what I can handle and has not given me above that-- and even when I think He has, there is always that extra measure of grace right there waiting. In short, three weeks into this whole baby thing, we are starting to feel like life is becoming a bit more "normal"-- completely different from what it was before this little one came along and changed our world-- a new and improved normal!
In the midst of all this busy-ness and craziness, it's the little accomplishments that I've learned to call victories. For example, the other day, I shaved my legs... above the knee and everything. Accomplishment! Last week, I wore makeup three days in a row. Accomplishment! My kitchen sink is not full of dirty dishes. Accomplishment! I managed to shower before 10 am. Accomplishment! Today, I actually folded every single basket of laundry that has been sitting around for the last two weeks. Accomplishment! Whee!
I'm simply embracing the way my life is right at this moment, at this time and in this season. Even though, yesterday, I was pooped on three different times. And more often than not I am in my pj's and unshowered...

Hmm, this reminds me of a "belly shot"... it's still there. But not for long I hope!
Your girls are precious :)
I got the Thank You was so cute & sweet!
I love that cupcake blanket :)
oh my gosh she is soooo yummy. and I'm proud of you! proud of living in the now, realizing the small accomplishments, however seemingly small, are still accomplishments=) you're already challenging me for what my fall will look like, to take one day at a time and to recognize the accomplishments for what they are. To see what is done verses what is not.
okay and I need to come take pictures of that girl! where has these threes gone?
What sweet, sweet pictures!
So precious!!! I wish I could snuggle up like that little girl :) I am glad they are playing well together, at least when you get busy and tired they get along well to play other! Amen! :)
oh my goodness your girls are just the cutest!! I miss them sooo much!!
I'm very happy to hear that Rosalie is nursing like a pro, I bet that's a huge help!!
Plus I'm just so happy that you wrote another blog! Yay!!
Love you sister! xoxoxo
your Brattina
She is just so PRECIOUS! It's the only word to describe her. I'm so glad Emma and Annabelle are playing so well together. I'm sure that makes your day just that much easier. :)
She is soooo adorable! ALL 3 of them are!!!
LOVE that 2nd to the last picture of you two also. So sweet. :-)
Ooopsy. That was See Sherm Blog... just too lazy to sign out and sign back in. :-)
Aww, adorable adorable adorable girls you have! I cannot WAIT to see Rosalie and you all next month!!! :) seriously. What beautiful girls. And yay for emma and annabelle playing together so nicely. sisters are the best.
i love you, my sister!
could you be more positive?? how inspiring you are dear talia :)
I love seeing how your little world is so full and rich, thanks for letting me in on it, via your blog!!!
liza just found out she is pregnant, so the first ribbens baby is on its way! she is due on my bday, nov. 11, what a fun 25th bday I will have!!
thank you for reminding me that God only gives us what we can handle, it is truly a nice thought to ponder on in the midst of the craziness of our lives!
Ooh, I'm loving all of the precious baby girl photos! She is so sweet!
And may I just say, you go girl! Those are some pretty impressive accomplishments. Sometimes I don't even manage to shave the top half of my legs, and I don't have ANY kids. And makeup and a clean sink to boot?
It's wonderful that you're already into your routine, and getting more sleep! :)
You are so funny Talia =) If it makes you feel better I had the same accomplishments this week with one kid and NO baby yet! I am impressed girl! You look amazing, I meant to tell you that the other day! Talk to ya soon =)
wow. i'm in for it soon, ready or not! i too have forgotten how time-consuming the nursing is! i'm always encouraged by how you seem to put things in their proper priority.
Rosalie is way too precious for words. I'm glad you are soaking it all up, because it goes by soooo fast. ollie was born just yesterday. honest.
What a reminder to just soak it all up. Thank you!
ooooooooh soooo precious! i love your little family. sooo cute!
Hehehehe.. I love her little belly button. How cuuuuuute.
This is a huge inspiration to read. I am having my first baby girl in a couple of weeks and if you can handle 3 girls at once then, geez I should be able to handle my one!
She is so beautiful- lets hope my daughter is as cute as yours. :]
Love the picture of you and R... and I'm loving the pattern on that blankie you have her wrapped up in!
Enjoy your baby girl!
Girl, you make it look so easy! All three of your darlings are as precious as can be. I'm glad things are getting easier. Those newborn baby days are completely exhausting and yet so worth it!
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