Thursday, September 11, 2008

A big day indeed

I know today is 9/11-- and I'm sure most of you associate this date with the terrible tragedy that befell our nation 7 years ago today. And I do think about that on this day, as well. How can one not-- it was a pivotal moment in our nation's history, and it was heart-breaking in every way.

But mostly, I like to think about the other things that this day, September 11, marks.

They're happy things! Good things! Today is my mom's birthday! So, happy birthday, dearest of all mothers, and may it be a lovely one. You know we'd all love to be there to celebrate with you. Instead, how about a super-cute picture of us from the last time we were there?

I love you, Mom! Even though you didn't play along and do a silly face with me.

And.... today is ALSO my parents' anniversary! If I've done my math correctly, this is the celebration of their 31st year together. Mom and Dad have always been a great example of a godly marriage, and I know how much they love each other. It's a blessing to have parents like them, and I pray they can enjoy many, many more years of being together.

The funny thing is that Dad actually had to leave on a trip to Canada today, so the birthday/anniversary celebration will be sadly lacking. I know a blog post from their daughter won't make up for the fact that they can't be together, but I wanted to do what I could to brighten the day. :)

I could not find a single picture of just my mom and dad together (how odd), so this one of the two of us happy couples will have to do.

Happy Birthday, Mom!!

Happy Anniversary, sweet parents!!

An all-around happy day, I'd say. Whee!


Sunny said...

Happy birthday and anniversary to your mom! Ya know, my parents seemed to be apart on their anniversary more times than I can remember because my dad traveled so much. And Synod was always around the week of their anniversary too.

sarah marie p said...

Awww! Happy birthday to your mom and happy anniversary to your parents! Today is indeed a happy day! Yay! Love the first picture of you two! So cute!

bandofbrothers said...

omigosh, you look like an exact mix of the two of them. how adorable! and yes, best wished to them both!

Kourtni said...

Happy belated birthday to your mama and anniversary too! I have to say that I always get in a little funk every year around this time. I think I even cried a few times. Once it doesn't count though because it was over having to unload the dishwasher. Hormones. ;)

Unknown said...

Oh yay happy birthday and happy anniversary!! And now that it's been pointed out, you really do look like a mix of your parents. I used to always think you looked like your mom, but now I see your dad in there too :)