Before I (finally!) share with you my pictures and stories of our family trip down south for my brother Elijah's Air Force commissioning, I thought I would let Emma tell you all about it first. She was so sad and heartbroken when my family had to leave that Monday morning that I had to think of something to cheer her up. And that is how Emma came to write her first book.
Once we had assembled sister's book, this little one came to me, scribbles in hand:

Of course the stapler came out yet again, and Annabelle got her very own "buh" too.
OMG! How cute it that. You are such a GREAT, patient, loving Mommy.
Oh my goodness, what a good book! And that last picture, so cute!!! I love the look on her face. Gosh she looks so grown up here too.
I got my surprise in the mail yesterday! I was going to write you a letter back to say thank you, and I will soon, but I thought I would let you know that I did get it. Thank you!
I love it! They are going to love looking at those in 10 years :)
Oh my gosh that is just the cutest thing ever!!
Oh my gosh that is just the cutest thing ever!!
Great story, Emma! And that picture of Annabelle is adorable!
Oh my gosh your girls are gorgeous. I love your book idea! LOVE it. I bet Emma loved coloring "theme" specific pages- that is an awesome idea!
Emma is such an artist! I love the details she put in her pictures. That is a really cute idea. I'm glad it helped her cheer up and keep busy. It's really hard having family so far away. Are you sending a copy to your family?
how cute! i remember making little "books" like those in school and such. thats so cute that you do that for them! and annabelle :), so precious. i think its funny how spiky hair is automatically a boy these days...i wonder how emma would draw thomas?? haha
What a great keepsake! Precious!
so precious! I LOVE IT!!!!
My daughter used to draw her people like the "little miss and men's"... i miss that... Now they look so long, elegant and anorexic!
This is the sweetest thing ever. Oh my god. So cute.
we got the book in the mail just today!! it was seriously THE cutest thing ever!! what a great artist you have. i like how chubby lydia is. haha and how it's called elijah's "special thing." too funny. and the picture of annabelle is too adorable!! i miss my sweet little girls. give them hugs and kisses from their dear auntie! :)
thanks for the card from you too...i liked the "*sigh* HUG" haha i cracked up. excuse my awkwardness won't you.
ok, so i love you!
Wow! So cute! She makes people exactly the same way Juliet does... with just heads and limbs.. no neck or body. I love it!!!!! lol!!! I have to say thought, I'm very impressed with the stars and hearts! I don't think I knew how to draw a star until high school. haha.
LOVE her little people. too cute. and Annabelle? Can she get any cuter in her polky dress?
What an amazing author and illustrator you have on your hands! Darling book and darling girls!
This is so, so, so adorable! I love it! She should keep her book forever! You are such a kind mommy to take the time to make the book with her and cheer her up! And the picture of Annabelle is so precious! And like someone else pointed out- LOVE the polka dot dress!
this is just too PrEcIOUS! what a good mama you are for helping her assemble this book, so sweet.
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