Monday, October 22, 2007

Playing is hard work

Sweet little Annabelle, sleeping peacefully... on the floor of their bedroom! It was about 11:00 in the morning, and she had been busy playing nicely by herself for a while when I noticed things were a bit TOO quiet in there. And there she was, sound asleep on the carpet. Doesn't it make your heart melt??


Steph Corwin said...

How absolutely precious :)

Lisa said...

That is too funny.

Anonymous said...

Those moments are the best. I am glad you got it on film! Happy Fall to you!

Emery Jo said...

Amazing. What a sweetie pie!

Also- no fear of blog-stalker-ing here! I'm thrilled when you comment!!!

And- YES! That pillow is from Ross and I loooveee it! hehe. :)

Anonymous said...

Awwww! How sweet. Look at all that hair. Don't you wish you could take a break and a nap when you felt a little overwhelmed by playing too much? Give 'em kisses for me.
