Monday, August 20, 2007

oh the things you will say!

I was thinking today of one of the less-explored aspects of being a mom. And that is the words that will come out of your mouth. Things that would sound thoroughly insane if you didn't happen to have a little child running around.
It all starts when they are babies and we begin to coo and ooh and aah over their little hands and feet, cheeks and noses, tuschies and tummies. This turns into the silly language known as baby talk, of course, in which we utter things like "ooh, yessy-wessy, Emma is a cute widdle one, yes she is! wook at her widdle nosy-wosy. Ah-boo-boo-boo!" in a voice that is about two octaves higher than normal. Yes, I know I sound like I am making fun of this silly thing that we do, but I'm not. I, like Anne Shirley Blythe, believe "you just can't help talking baby talk to a baby. It comes natural-- and it's right."
As children grow older and begin to develop little vocabularies of their own, we drop the baby talk and move onto conversing with our children. This is when it really gets interesting, because as mothers we are often privileged to step into their little worlds, where anything can happen and such things as "plufferplumps" and bunnies named Piglet abound.
Here is just a sampling of a few of the things that I have spoken in the past few weeks (at least those that I can remember):

"Yes, I will come kiss the giraffe good-night in just a few minutes."
"Can the pink poodle tell me what happened on her trip to see the caterpillar?"
"Oh, I see, the bunny married ME. How exciting!"
"Ok, spit the crabs out of your mouth then so they won't pinch you."
"Will you please not touch your sister's bare butt?"

That last one really has nothing to do with imagination, but I sincerely hope that would not be said in too many other situations than a 3-year old very curious about diaper changes. It certainly fits in with the crazy things moms say. As does this one, which is fresh from this morning:

"I don't think Annabelle WANTS to wear my underwear today!"

Oh, the simple joys of motherhood. :)


Megan said...

Oh I LOOOOOVE it. I love that you're able to have perspective in the midst of being a Mommy on how hilarious it actually is. hahahaha. My favorite is the panties one. = )

Lisa said...

I am laughing so hard right now. Hehe!