Last Thursday was most definitely one of those days.
And since my girls had been asking me all day long for a tea party anyway, I knew it was the perfect thing.
They were going to use their plastic princess tea set and put water in the cups. It was going to be a simple affair. But, I thought the occasion deserved more. My girls were only too happy and thrilled to agree.
And, so, out came the real teacups, delicate and carefully chosen by Emma and Annabelle. A pretty little cloth for the table. The flowery teapot (filled with apple juice). Cloth napkins. A rosebud for our centerpiece. Crispy tea cookies that I just so happened to have on hand. And, of course, dresses were a must.

My pretty little ladies. All smiles.

Pouring the tea. They would have made any mistress of an English manor proud.

Sipping ever so daintily.


It's not hard to see that Annabelle was thrilled to the tips of her happy little toes.

Always the proper one. Pinkies up!

Lovely Emma. My, but she looks so grown-up.

Oh, sweet Annabelle.

Of course Rosalie-roo joined in the festivities!

I have a feeling she mostly came for the food. Nom nom.

uh-oh... looks like a certain little lady needs to use her napkin. tsk tsk.
After they had sipped and nibbled to their hearts' content, we gathered on the lawn for a spot of dancing. (to classical music. but of course)

Twirling, twirling, twirling... their outstretched arms, lit-up faces, and lighter-than-air toes are a perfect expression of unbounded happiness.
Thank the Lord for little girls and tea parties on a summer afternoon, for china cups and teapots, for delicate and dainty things, for roses and dancing-- for life's simple and extravagant joys.
oh my CUTENESS overload!! So fun!
you are such a fun mom! i can't stand it!! when God gave you three little girls, he sure knew what he was doin. :)
that is the cutest and sweetest post in the whole world! loved every single bit of it. they are the most adorable little things. the pictures are amazing and beautiful!
and LOL about Rosalie and her messy face:)
Soooo Cute and fun!
Oh that is IT! These girls are blessed beyond to belief to have such a feminine AND fun Mommy. I LOVE IT!
eeeeeeeek im squeeling with all this cuteness!!!!!!!
i love rosalie's little debut into the party :)
and your comment that she came for the food was perfect, her little chubby smile!!!!!! love it!!!!!!!
you are helping foster some of the best memories ever!!!!!!! way to go you cute cute momma!!!!!!!
SO perfectly adorable!
Um now I really want a girl! Even if just for a day for a tea party LOL This was the cutest post EVER Talia!
oh so adorable, such a wonderful memory your girls will look back on and cherish their entire lives!
This is so cute and precious, but it also cracks me up quite a bit after seeing yesterday's very different use for a tea pot by your girls. Hahaha!
Your little girls are such gems! The tea party looked like such a good time!
i love this! adorable.
Oh what a wonderful memory you have created for not only these gleeful girls but for you and all of us you have shared with. I remember the tea party I had with Emma when she came to Hanford for the weekend. She already had the pinkie thing going at 3 and also knew that she must hold the lid of the tea pot! I love the pic of Annabelle dancing on her tip toes. Such a free spirit :-) Also want to just kiss Rosalie's cheeks cookies and all. Love & hugs
Oh my gosh Talia, if ANYONE was born to be a mother to little girls it is for sure YOU! What a perfect little afternoon of tea and dancing!!! I could seriously just squeal at all of this cuteness, the writing in this post had me giggling starting with the very title! :D Your little beauties are just too darling, and I had to crack up when I read about Rosalie coming just for the food LOL!! Sounds like my kinda girl! ;) hehe!
This reminded me of the amazing tea parties my mom threw for me when I was growing up, she decorated, we invited my friends over, had tea & crumpets, tried our hand at sewing those little needlepoint kits? And my mom even dressed up as a maid and gave us a bell to ring her to our service!! It was hilarious and oh the memories.
You are creating amazing memories Ms Talia!! <3
simple, and extravagant! perfectly worded.
loved these pics!
Your children are beautiful. Love the blog :)
OK, this is soooooo sweet! I'm going to echo what everyone else has said and say that you were made to be a mom to a bunch of little girls! These girls of yours are going to treasure all of the special memories you are making together. Love it!
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