Since I was big huge and pregnant for the first couple days and then, you know, had a baby, we didn't really do much that anyone would consider exciting or out of the ordinary. It would have been great to go to the beach together or something, but that just wasn't a possiblity. (although, Miss Ashlei did take her to Disneyland where they had a wonderful time, so hooray for that!) However, even though we didn't get to do anything "special", we had the best time.
We did a bit of shopping together, and tried on some simply fabulous hats

and then we went to tea with the queen in the royal garden. (not really. but don't those hats look like we should??)
we ate breakfast at our favorite place, Mimi's cafe and chatted about many different things as only sisters can. And we spent a lot of time together on the couch, watching TV, something I feely admit without any shame or fear of sounding lame. It was lovely to have a couch companion while I spent the better part of my day feeding a new little one. We watched America's Next Top Model, What Not to Wear, Friends... and Lydia introduced Jeremy and me to Supernatural. Hellooo, Dean and Sam! We almost made it through the whole first season while she was here, and it was so much fun enjoying one of her favorite shows with her.
We enjoyed some time with another sister, Jessica, first at a tea she had at her house and then at a lovely and encouraging morning at the park where great conversation and sharing of Scriptures ensued.
And of course, there were trips to Starbucks...

It was so wonderful to have her here to welcome Rosalie-- it made me so happy to see her walk through the door of my hospital room shortly after midnight that night the baby was born. It was so weird not having any of my side of the family around for this birth, and having Lydia here made it a bit easier. And of course, she was a huge help to me in the days that followed, and put up with me and a crying baby so well. I don't know what I would have done without her!

My girls love getting some Auntie time, and I love seeing it!

I blame these next pictures on the lack of sleep from which we were all suffering. It got a little crazy up in here! For shizz.

Don't ask.
But the best part of it all was simply having her here, just being able to talk to and love on her whenever I wanted to, seeing her with my girls everyday, eating our meals together, goofing around together, simply living life together! I am very close to my sisters, so this visit was like a breath of fresh, familiar, much-needed air.
you're beautiful, sister, and I love you. We're all so glad glad glad that we got to have you here and soak you up for those two weeks.

you know what? I get to see Lydia again in only 9 days! And, joy of all joys, she will be accompanied this time by my other dear sister Jerusha, my little brother Josiah, and my Mom and Dad, who are simply itching to hold their newest grandbaby. We are so excited to have them all coming, even though it will be a brief visit.
See you soon, family! We've got loads of hugs and kisses and sweet baby goodness ready and waiting for you all.
Aw! So glad you had your sis there with you :)
That last pic is so pretty!
awwww!!! I had such a great time, it was absolutely wonderful getting to be there with you and lovin on the girls! I miss you all tons and tons!! Can't wait to see you again!
This blog was perfect! Love you sooo much!
How nice! I don't have a sister, but hearing people talk about visits like this makes me wish I did! I'm sure it was an enormous comfort and help to have her around during this hectic, but wonderful, time :)
aw, what a very very sweet blog! i have THE sweetest, prettiest, funniest, craziest sisters ever and i love you both so much!i'm so glad you could have at least one of us there for you! i can't believe it's only 9 days till i get to see you!! :D i'm beyond excited. :)
xoxoxoxox. LOVE YOU!
your sister is so adorable. i am so happy for you that you got such a wonderful visit. i TOTALLY understand, having one sister living in another state and the other out of town planning her wedding.
sister visits are the best! when i was pregnant with ollie, we visited my sister in NE and stayed glued to the couch watching What Not To Wear the whole time, so i totally laughed at your couch potato companion. these are much needed, i'd say!
and i love the blue hat photo!
There is just NOTHING like sisters. I loved seeing the pictures!! SO CUTE!!!
aw, so sweet! sisters are the best!
Those hats are the best! Really every time you and your sisters are together I get excited because it means dressing room pictures of some sort are to come! I'm so glad she was able to be there for you. AND that the whole family will be there so very very soon
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