Purse peg-board/shelf: already had it, spray-painted it black. Vintage metal frame from Goodwill: $1.75, spray-painted pink. For the insert, I glued a peony cut out of a greeting card onto pink-polka-dot fabric and added black ribbon and a sweet little vintage button I found in my "button jar". This "frame" is actually an antique black outlet plate (I got it thrown in for free at some yard sale, never quite knowing what in the world I would do with it, since it didn't fit any of our outlets) that I spray-painted pink. Then I just cut paper to the right size and glued it on, next adding some scrapbooking stickers and colored pencil embellishments.
Plastic frame from Goodwill: 75 cents, spray-painted pink. For the insert I googled "vintage laundry" and found this image, printed it out, colored in the washing machine, glued it over some scrapbooking paper and the same black ribbon, and added a sparkly button as the finishing touch.
Glass pitcher for vase: $5 at Ross. Peonies: $2 a bunch at Michael's. I already had the glass gems sitting in a drawer. Vintage white vase: a house-warming gift from my dear sis-in-law way back when we moved into our second tiny apartment! It was just waiting for the perfect home, and it looks so charming with a touch of ribbon and vintage button to dress it up. Pink beaded garland: $9 in the wedding section at Michael's.
Monday, May 5, 2008
The Pink Frame... and everything else that goes with it!
It's a tiny little space, just big enough for the washer and dryer and space to walk through to the garage. But it's MY space. My sweet husband gave me his full permission to go as all-out girly and pink as I wanted to, so that is exactly what I did. Since I completed this project, it has become one of my favorite rooms in our home-- silly, I know, but true.
I began by painting it yellow, using leftover paint from our dining area-- it's a perfect, cheery, laundry room color, and this way I didn't have to go buy another whole can of paint for this tiny room. After the painting was done, then the REAL fun started: decorating. And oh! the deals I found! It all fell together so perfectly once I started looking and my creative juices got flowing. But enough chit-chat from me: let's see the pictures and I'll give you the run-down as we go.
There you have it, my happy little haven of girly-ness, pink and flowers. Maybe it seems a bit cheesy, maybe a bit overdone-- I don't know. But I love it. And it is well worth it every time laundry day rolls around and I find myself standing in that tiny room pulling clothes out of the dryer. I revel in my God-given roles of wife, mommy, homemaker, even when it means chores and tasks galore-- which is pretty much all the time. However, everyone needs a little help in the day-to-day grind-- as evidenced by plants in cubicles and smiling family pictures on work desks. One way we can bring joy to these tasks is by taking the time to make them enjoyable, to surround ourselves with a cheerful, orderly place that brings happiness and keeps our good attitudes afloat. This little laundry room of mine is just one example of the many ways we can do that.
No matter what your calling or job, remember this: Nothing is too commonplace, too lowly, or too mundane to be lifted higher and made beautiful in some way-- not even laundry.
1 Corinthians 10:31
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How flippin' adorable?!?!! Really no other way to describe it. I would definitely do laundry in there. Even when I didn't need to! too cute! I love how you've disguised the everyday laundry essentials in such cute ways. the dryer sheets! love!
How cute! I want a house, haha. I love the ironing board cover! Awesome!!! :)
I love your attitude! It's so true-- like you said: "No matter what your calling or job, remember this: Nothing is too commonplace, too lowly, or too mundane to be lifted higher and made beautiful in some way-- not even laundry."-- I'm going to have to remember that next time I do laundry!
I love, love, LOVE what you've done to your laundry room! Man, I bet if I had an adorable laundry room like that, maybe I would even look forward to laundry! It's def. not too much-- it's perfect! Love the yellow and the pink and the buttons... and the dryer sheets box and the polka dots-- It's the cutest thing ever!
OK I was just planning to leave our laundry room the way it came, but now I am totally inspired to make it cute.
Well... maybe first things first I do have a baby room to get started on afterall!
Talia, I love it! You are such an inspiration, from the way you decorate to your cheerful attitude about everything. I wish I had a laundry room instead of it all being out in the garage with our junk.
you really are too cute and perfect for words. i've always wanted to go all out with my laundry room, but I keep changing my great room every time I turn around. hence the laundry room waits and waits. you did a great job and i love it.
Talia your life really oozes joy and I think this room is the PERFECT thing to sum that up- you make even the mundane the best it can be. I love it. What an awesome example you are to your girls- day in and day out! Not to mention, I LOVE IT! I absolutely, positively love it. I LOVE the details. My favorite is the list you can grab on your way out the door. What a smart idea!
you wanted a sister comment so you're getting one!
you're laundry room is soo adorable!! i love it soo much. you're too creative! =) all the little decorations and the way you made even the cleaning products into something cute was a great idea! i love it all! the polka dot ironing board cover is one of my favorite things in the room, oh and the pink rugs! good job taly aly umpkins!! <3
How ridiculously adorable is this? It almost makes me want to do laundry.
This is so darn cute! Great job!
ohmygosh! It's all so cute I can't stand it. It's like your own little girly heaven!=)
I'm TOTALLY jealous of your iron board cover. I've been looking for that exact one and the only ones I can find are blue....Maybe I should widen my search other than Target! Ebay here I come=)
we need to hang out soon!
i am completely and utterly in love with your laundry room! seriously, every little detail. and i agree with everyone else, i adore the polka dot ironing board cover. you know how i am about polka dots anyways. :) and of course i love the pink too! it's all just too adorable. now i'll have to see about my "sunshines" for mine. haha
how's that for a sister comment?
oh my goodness! It looks adorable! I love it!!!!! Our washer is just in our garage, wish i had a cute room like this.
Eeeeeeeeeeek, it's PERFECT!!! I love it! You did such a good job, it's seriously amazing.
What a great laundry room. If mine looked like this I would never complain about doing laundry. Great job!
i am in love with this post!! wow! the laundry room is magnificent! Your attitude is so inspiring and was a perfect reminder for me today, so thank you ♥
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