I don't know if anyone is interested in reading MORE about me, but here goes anyway-- for funsies!
There are 4 simple rules to this fun game of internet tag.
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
1.I have been a bridesmaid seven times. And I only hated one of the dresses!
2. When it comes to clothes, shoes, accessories, or home decor, almost everything I buy is from a sale or off of a clearance rack. I honestly can't remember the last time I paid full price for something, unless it was at Ross Dress for Less or Goodwill. For example, while I was at Kohl's today I picked up these earrings for the price of $2!! Why buy expensive things when there is such incredibly cute cheap stuff?
4. I sing. A lot. When I vacuum, when I drive, when I'm in the shower, when I am having fun with the kids, sometimes even when I am shopping. That last one has gotten me a few weird looks, considering how very public a place most stores are. Hey, I can't help it if I happened to hear "My Love Open The Door To Your Heart" while wandering through Ross and felt the need to sing along.
5. I subscribe to the magazine Cottage Living, and I love it. Almost everything in there is so delightful and so the way I want my house and garden to look. Such great inspiration!
6. One of my all-time favorite books is called Stepping Heavenward by Elisabeth Prentiss, and the reason I love it so much is because it is amazingly relevant and easily identified with. Every time I read it (and I've probably read it about 4 or 5 times) I find myself going "Oh! That is so me! That's what I do!" It is always so convicting and encouraging.
7. I am extremely excited right now because in a mere 5 days we will be flying to Colorado to visit my parents, sisters, and brother for a whole week!! I cannot wait to see them all and spend some great family time together. My girls need a Grandma/ Grandpa/ Auntie Jerusha/ Auntie Lydia/ Uncle Josiah fix quite badly as well. Jeremy is excited too, of course, but his elation is slightly more subdued. :) Some of the things I am most looking forward to: Hugging my Dad again (there is nothing like a Daddy hug, even when you're grown), eating my mom's cooking as well as seeing her read stories with my girls, shopping and being silly with my sisters, seeing how much my little brother has grown, and attending church with my family again. There will of course be much more on this upcoming trip in another post...
Now, it says to tag 7 people, but I barely know of 7 more people that read my blog in addition to the last three I tagged, so I'm not going to do that. However, you know I would love to read more about all of you, so don't be shy-- do it if you want!
Wow I love cottage living (of course I would right?!) But it's kind of expensive! They do have a free online version, but it is chock full of ads. Oh well nothing too good is free.
And I didn't know you were going to Colorado! What fun that will be, and I'm sure you will treat us with many pictures from your week with your family.
I got a coupon for two free issues, which I did, and then they sent me a thing to subscribe for one additional year for $16-- so it was a bit cheaper. And I really enjoy it, so it's worth it. :) If I get any more of those coupons, I'll pass them on to you!
#1.. That is pretty amazing that you have only had one bad dress. Lucky you :)
have fun in CO. It's almost here!!!
OK... as if you weren't tagged enough... I'm tagging you too. This was was actually kind of fun for me and not the normal random things tag. So hopefully you'll like it. See daylightrising.blogspot.com for details. :)
It does not surprise me that you sing to yourself everywhere, considering you also talk to yourself:)LOL! When I was in college at APU, people on campus would randomly break out into song everywhere we went.
Oh I am SO excited for you to get to spend some time with your family in Co! And excited for your girls to get even MORE loving. How awesome and fun. Cottage Living! Oh I love that one too. Love it. I am totally with you on the sale racks. It's kinda what makes it fun and a challenge!
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