This shot was snapped by a very persistent paparazzi photographer at a local Target store this past week. Is it two little celebrities out for a shopping trip, trying their hardest to avoid recognition with the classic hat/sunglasses combo??
Oh, wait, it's just Emma and Annabelle, who decided, according to Emma, to attire themselves as such because it was "too sunny out".And it turns out that persistent paparazzo is none other than Mommy, with her camera always at the ready.
Who can blame them for trying to hide themselves?
So cute!!! Though I see that aisle they are in... Celebrities frequent health food too. :)
your girls are just so cute!
Misty-- it is so funny that you commented on the aisle we happened to be in when I took this, because I thought the same thing and wondered if anyone else would pick up on it. What's really funny is that out of all the Target fabulousness that exists and the many things I bought there that day (none from this aisle), the picture got taken there. Hehe. Not planned at all.
Oh my gosh. So cute. This is hilarious because I was reading your post in my google reader and the post I was reading before yours was actually celebrity gossip.. so when I started reading this I didn't realize it was your blog and I actually thought these little ladies were famous. :) hehe
Oh my gosh. So cute. This is hilarious because I was reading your post in my google reader and the post I was reading before yours was actually celebrity gossip.. so when I started reading this I didn't realize it was your blog and I actually thought these little ladies were famous. :) hehe
So adorable! Who thought a trip to Target could be so entertaining?! :)
so funny cuz I have some target pics that I almost posted it!
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