Thursday, February 19, 2015
just because.
Monday, March 3, 2014
er.... hellooooo!!!
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
The bright orange pumpkin
Thursday, November 7, 2013
it's all fun and games until someone poops in the tub.

Monday, September 16, 2013
this is monday morning.
Friday, August 23, 2013
oh, children. {#4}
Annabelle, upon hearing talk of the Superbowl: "so, this bowl, it could save your life, right? What are its powers exactly?" (she was kidding. I think. She's a comedian, this one.)
Rosalie found a snail outside one day, and brought it to me, wondering where she should put it. I told her to put it on the grass, since snails need green things to live. She did, and I considered the matter over. Only a few minutes later, however, she came back to me, worried and concerned. "mommy, I think the snail is dying!" I quickly reassured her that he would be fine on the grass, but she insisted I come and see. She led me to it and pointed, "see? It's dying!"
I looked. Oh dear. "Um, Rosalie, did you step on it after you put it on the grass?? "
She wasn't wrong... it was definitely dying. Poor little snail, all smashed to bits.
As we drove past it, I heard Annabelle say, in a jeering tone, "hey, power plant, you got blown up real good, didn't you? Yeah. take that."
But then I reassured her, "Don't worry honey, nothing bad will happen... seeds need to grow outside of our bodies, where there's dirt and sunshine and water."
Annabelle, upon overhearing a conversation about digital camera and photographs: "Mommy, what's a mega-pickle?"
Silly kids of mine. I'm so grateful for how they make me laugh and smile! Sure, they most definitely drive me crazy sometimes....but I wouldn't trade them and their funny little selves for the world.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Things at which I am not good.
-blogging. (Hmmm, you think? It's been almost a month again. Sheesh.)
-keeping my plastic containers and lids in any semblance of order. That cupboard is a hopeless mess, people. Good luck finding a lid to match the one you just put those leftovers in! The plastic wrap is down in that drawer there if you need it.
-putting away my laundry. Do I get points just for getting it all cleaned and folded? I'm pretty good at that. But it'll be sitting in the baskets till kingdom come.
-keeping my son off of the couch. He climbs up there a hundred times a day, it's just his favorite. And then he falls off and bumps his head, inevitably, or knocks over a lamp, or manages to get peanut butter all over the cushions, or screams at me when he can't get to where he's trying to go. I ask you, how necessary is a couch, really? Because my life might actually be easier without it.
-cleaning, as in scrubbing and wiping and mopping. There, I said it. I wish I didn't have to do it, ever. But since this house is one big series of messes, that's not really an option. I'd rather not live in filth, so clean I shall! (even still, please don't expect spotlessness. That just ain't gonna happen.)
-calling people on the phone. I used to be good at this. But somewhere in my life as a mom, it just became one more thing to try to fit into my busy day. This is not a good thing, considering that a good percentage of my family lives far away (hi parents, hi siblings, hi grandma, I miss you!). I'm trying to be better. And if you call me, I promise I'll either answer or at least call you back eventually. But if you wait around for me to give you a ring, we may never actually talk. (Thank the Lord for texting, am I right?)
-not eating dessert. I can't help it. I love it. I love to make it, I love to eat it. Dessert and I are close friends.
-being patient with my dog. I love her, I really do. But she drives me crazy. Maybe it's the fact that all my patience is used up on my four children and I have none left to spare for her, or maybe it's the fact that she just so happens to be one of the most annoying creatures on the planet.... or both. I think it could be both. Poor Violet.
-figuring out new things, technology-wise. I'm writing this blog with an app on my new-ish phone. This could be revolutionary, folks! But I have yet to try to add pictures. And I haven't hit publish yet.... here's hoping you all can actually read this.....this content is just too good to not be shared with the world.