Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Rosalie walks!

This was definitely the highlight of our Easter lunch here at our house. We were all pretty much thrilled that she chose to take her first steps while everyone was gathered around. And I must congratulate my husband on having the foresight to have the video camera rolling just in case she actually decided to do it (we've tried coaxing her before, to no avail). I LOVE that we were able to capture her actual first steps!! Right after this was taken I grabbed my cell phone and got some video on there so I could send it to my mom and sisters. Bless you, technology.

Unfortunately, since her sisters were off playing with their cousins, they missed this particular moment. But soon after I went and got them so they could see her "walking like a big girl". When I coaxed Rosalie to walk towards Emma, she turned to me and exclaimed "Mommy! It's just like a miracle!! I'm sooo proud of her!" I didn't have the heart to tell her that one-year olds usually do learn to walk, so "miraculous" might be stretching it. If proud big sister Emma thinks it's a miracle, well, then I think it is too.

My favorite parts of this video are how excited Jeremy is (pure Daddy cute-ness there) and how little miss Rosalie makes sure we all clap at the appropriate time. Melts my heart every time.

Since Sunday she really hasn't walked that much... she still prefers to just get on her hands and knees and zoom around since she's so much faster that way. But, I have a feeling now that she's figured out she CAN walk, it's only a matter of time before she's running after her big sisters like a real little toddler.

A toddler????
My Rosalie-roo is about to become a toddler!!!!!

(what an odd word "toddler" is.)

Oh lordy.


  1. Ohhh my goodness, she did it!! That video was entirely too precious. I don't think I've ever seen Rosalie on a video... just pictures. She's such a little beauty. :)

    Jeremy was too cute in the background with his YAYs... I love you guys!

  2. i saw this on facebook. and it was just as good the second time. whay a captured moment :) ahahahah!!!!!!!!!! love it!!!!!!!!

  3. oh mi lordy. that was so much fun to watch! i think i'll go watch it again :) too CUTE!! ahhhhh!

  4. Ok this made a tear trickle down my cheek! I am dying over how cute Jeromy was, he got so excited! Dads, they really are such moosh!

  5. ok, crying over here at the cuteness of your whole family, completely doting on your precious angel. She is the center of attention just as it should be. That really was precious and special. Love it! And so proud of your Rosalie.

  6. Your little Rosalie is too stinkin' cute! Love the video and thanks for sharing Talia!!!

  7. YaaaaaY! She is sooo cute! LOVE the video comments by Jeremy! What a GREAT Daddy. Let the running begin...

  8. when i saw this on facebook I cried a little and watching it again here I go! lol this is the cutest thing ever and Jeremey is so proud I LOVE IT

  9. This was definitely a SQUEE-worthy moment. I mean, really, that timing and that adorableness. it's doesn't get more perfect!

  10. I think it's so precious how her Daddy is so adoring and so excited for this moment!! Your family is just too precious, the excitement was palpable!!

  11. Thanks for sharing this exciting moment with us!

  12. That was so cute! I don't even know her and I'm so proud of her!

  13. hahahahah this is soo cute! made me smile big time. and you are so right. toddler is a pretty weird word. never really thought of that before. :)

  14. Soooo cool you got that on video! Can she really be so big that she's walking? I love how happy she is just soaking in all the love and cheering.

  15. So cute! I love how she clapped for herself! Adorable!


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